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Langchat Shared Lesson Ideas (redirected from Langchat 2011-12-15 Sharing Lessons)

Page history last edited by Don Doehla 8 years, 5 months ago

Greetings langchat friends! On December 15th, we plan to do something completely different! We want to sponsor a lesson sharing chat - kind of like "give one, get many," in the spirit of the season, as it were. Here is how it works.


1) Click on the link below to view our Google Docs folder for the chat on 12/15/2011. You'll need to drag your favorite lessons from your Google Docs account into the folder to share with others (see details at the bottom of this page). You can bookmark the folder link to download the files you like best for your own later use.


LangChat Shared Lessons Folder


2) During langchat on December 15th, please be ready to explain what lesson you have shared, and others will ask about the lessons they wish to discuss.


If this event is a success, we might consider repeating the event on a regular basis! We hope you will enjoy this different version of langchat!


All the best,

Your Langchat team,

Erica, Sara, Diego and Don




Details on How to Share Your Files:

1. Do you have a gmail account? If yes, you can access Google Docs at docs.google.com

2. Upload the lesson or files you wish to share into your own Google Docs account using the little red upload icon found in the upper right of the Google Doc Screen.


Note: You can convert your file to a Google Doc, or leave it in its original file format. Converting to Google Docs can result in changes to the formatting and layout.

3. Click on this link to add the "langchat 2011-12-15 Lessons to share" folder to your "Collections shared with me" folder. 

4. Drag your file from the "My Collections" section of your Google Docs screen into the Langchat folder in your "Collections shared with me" folder.

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