

Page history last edited by SECottrell 5 years, 11 months ago


Welcome Language Enthusiasts and Educators!




Every week your language colleagues get together to discuss topics of interest via Twitter using the #LangChat hashtag. We'd love to have you join the conversation. We keep a live stream going here on this site as a courtesy for our colleagues. Visit the archives or summaries to glean from the insights shared during our weekly conversations.


#LangChat is dedicated to the discussion of topics associated with issues and trends in world language instruction and learning. Educators, administrators, learners, and aficionados of world languages are encouraged to participate and share their experiences and input on various topics such as new ways to teach vocabulary, using music in the language classroom, and making standards-based grading valid. This chat is also unique in that it brings together language educators worldwide and from different contexts (elementary, secondary, higher education, etc.) and languages.



Future #langchat conversations


What would you like to discuss at #LangChat?


Suggest topics here! 




Please join us on

the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month at 8 pm ET. 

 We look forward to collaborating with you. 



Now you can connect with us on Facebook!




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